"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
— Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Since I last wrote here, I've had a baby and begun law school. So, needless to say, I've been slacking on this blog. I apologize.

I still am committed to this idea- I still look for examples of ubuntu in the news, but I am afraid that I just don't have the time for the blog right now.

So, I'm putting it on hiatus. I'll be back, though. Maybe this summer....

Friday, February 3, 2012

Education, for "free"

I remember hearing that the mark of a good job is one you would "do for free." The idea being that you love it so much, and you believe that what you do is so important, that the salary is just an added bonus.

While I've often wished that I could afford to do what I want to do without having to be paid for it, I don't think this is an attainable reality for most of us. 

However, what if you didn't have a choice? What if you were not going to be paid, no matter what? Would you still work?

I stumbled across this story this morning, though I have a vague recollection of hearing about this woman, Sara Furgeson, last month during the State of the Union Address. Ms. Ferguson teaches at a low-income elementary school in Chester Upland School District in Pennsylvania. This past month, she, along with many other teachers and support staff, pledged to continue teaching and working even though the district had run out of money to pay them. Yep. They are teaching for free.

I used to be a teacher. Without a doubt, I think that education is the most valuable tool we have in making our communities, our country, and our world what we want it to be. And yet, year after year, states cut more and more from education. And, unfortunately, the schools with the most vulnerable populations, those with low-income students who are most in need of a good, free education, are the schools that seem to take the brunt of the cuts. 

Ms. Ferguson, who was recently recognized on Ellen and was invited to sit with the first lady during the State of the Union Address, simply stated, "We are adults. We will make a way. The students don't have any contingency plan. They need to be educated, so we intend to be on the job."

Read her story here:

And watch her interview on Ellen here:

February Ubuntu Challenge: Find a school in your area in need of volunteers, school supplies, or support, and give generously. 

Here are some ways to get involved:



Thursday, January 26, 2012

Doing Something

This is an older story, but I came across it while searching for stories of ubuntu today. I put it on the back burner, thinking that it was a nice story, but not as current as I would have liked.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it. While it might be "yesterday's news," the idea behind it is just as relavent today.

One woman with one idea. Most great ideas that radically change the course of history begin with one great idea. A choice, really. Do I give this man money (or even a smile...), or do I drive by? Do I let the person with the screaming baby and ten items ahead of me in line, or do I save myself three minutes? Do I see suffering and do something, or do I do nothing?

Rachel O'Neill decided to do something, and that is powerful. We are confronted so many times during the course of a single day with the opportunity to "do something;" to make a choice that might have a significant impact. Her choice resulted in something far greater than she ever imagined.

What could be the results of the choices we make? What might they become?

Read about her here:

And read about (and contribute to) her project here:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Which side are you on?

 Ahh, an election year. Nothing brings out goodwill and charity more than campaigning...
While I've been letting this blog slip lately, the upcoming avalanche of mudslinging and uninformed political rhetoric bring me back. I have to attempt to balance out what is inescapable.
Campaigns always seem to bring out the worst in people. I'm not sure if it is due to the fierce "My guy will totally beat your guy" competitiveness we Americans seem to have, or if it is because of a genuine hatred, for lack of a better word, of "the other side." In either case, it is decidedly unproductive and disheartening.
Which is why, when I heard this story about a US Naval ship crew coming to the rescue of a group of Iranians held captive by Somali pirates, I felt a twinge of relief. In this political climate in particular, so consumed are we with the idea that "the other" is the enemy that we fail to notice that "the other" is not actually different from us. This story reminds us of that fact. And while many pundits, news anchors, and commentators used the actions by the Navy to embark in some other asinine rhetoric along the lines of "That'll show 'em how superior the US is," above all, it is a demonstration of one human saving another. Period.

Which is something that we all might need to keep in mind over the course of the next eleven months.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Little Sparks

"A great flame follows a little spark." -Dante Alighieri 

For whatever reason, I have had an extremely hard time finding news stories about people who embody ubuntu lately. I thought with the 10th anniversary of September 11th last Sunday that surely there would be a flood of stories about people doing great things in memory of someone, or just because of the talk of "unity" and "solidarity" that abounded. And maybe there were, but if so, their news stories are hidden and buried under a pile of news stories about the 2012 election, trouble in the Middle East, and celebrity gossip. 

So I find myself extremely frustrated and discouraged today. After searching the news for what seemed like hours, and even after going to my standard "good news" sources, I was still coming up empty. Just when I was about to give up and spend the rest of the day, and probably the week, engulfed in the ugliness in the news, I happened upon this story of Heroreports. Under the direction of Yessica Guerra, and started through an initiative by MIT, Heroreports is "a non-profit project dedicated to crowdsourcing and mapping reports of citizen courage and positive social behavior."

The site is full of reports of "small" acts of kindness and courage, which, I'm sure, seem much larger in a city ravaged by violence. There are stories that range from something small, such as witnessing someone give up a seat to an elderly person, to reports of really grandiose acts of kindness. 

So, in a city full of terror and fear, if there are people who can still find heroes in each other, I think I can do a better job of finding the good and the courageous- even in the midst of the news that surrounds us every day. 

Here's the website for the Heroreports based out of Juárez. It's in Spanish, but it's still pretty powerful to see. (Also, Google translate.....)

And here's the project main page with links to other cities and partnership opportunities:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Immeasurable Good

My mom recently told me of a story she heard where a celebrity was describing losing his mother, saying that it is only when one faces a terrible tragedy that one really becomes an adult.

"Becoming an adult" is a phrase that I don't think people think about much. What does it mean? Turning 18? When I was teaching and one of my students turned 18, I would ask him what the first thing he was going to do would be. The inevitable reply: "I am going to buy a lottery ticket and some cigarettes!" Very occasionally, a student would respond, "I will also register to vote." 

I have never really thought about what it means to "become an adult." Our society makes it seem like it's a rite of passage where we can finally do all the things that we were not allowed to do as children. But is giving in to that self-indulgence really "becoming an adult?" Or is becoming an adult more significant than that? Is it taking on more responsibility like living on one's own, paying bills, getting a job, or becoming a parent, or is it even more than that?  

Perhaps it is realizing that the self-indulgence of childhood is over, and it is time to use whatever skills and resources we may possess for the greater good? The veil of "innocent childhood" is removed from our eyes, we see the world as it really is, and we declare, "I will do good here."

I found this story in The Huffington Post initially, and Susanne's story made me think even more about what it means to face loss and terrible tragedy. Instead of allowing her grief to consume her (and who could blame her?), she became more aware of the plights of others. Her own loss was a catalyst for her to do immeasurable good.

I hope, one day, to be an adult like Susanne Janson. 

Watch her CNN Heroes video here:

Learn more and/or donate to her orphanage:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"What America Is All About"

“Our goal has never been to have things,” Powell said of himself and his wife, Dot. “We want to give back.”

Even if I were not a former educator, I think I would still be invested in education and educational policies of this country. Thomas Jefferson firmly believed that free public education was essential to democracy; a country cannot self-govern without an educated populace. And yet, the way this democracy now treats education seems to completely contradict Jefferson's ideas. Instead of supporting education at all costs, it is often the "cash cow" from which to pull money needed for other governmental functions. Ok, yes, it is important to have a functioning government, but how long will that government function if the people are not being educated?

My sister sent me this story about a true educator. A story about a man who believes in the universal right to free, quality education, and who is so devoted to his job that he is willing to do it for very little money. This certainly will not fix the problems that public education is facing these days, but it is certainly a step in the right direction. We need more people like Mr. Powell in order to ensure that everyone will be able to realize those all-American ideals of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Read his story here:
