"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
— Desmond Tutu

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Going out of your way to help....literally

After reading in Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point that people are more likely to help a person in dire need if they are the only one around to hear their calls for help, I was struck with the sinking sensation that people may not be as philanthropic as I had thought. But I heard this story about a captain who went off his course to help stranded Afghani refugees, and I feel a little more uplifted about those willing to help another in his or her time of need.

Listen to the story here:

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